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Proud Innovation Leverages MUTTI Cyber Notary to Provide GxP Compliance to Pharmaceutical Industry Case Studies

Bringing Data Integrity, Authenticity, and Digital Transformation to Quality Assurance Departments


Digital transformation needs a guiding strategy

Proud Innovations is a Dutch IT consulting firm with a unique niche. It consults to pharmaceutical companies about data integrity and assurance, ultimately advising on GxP compliance (e.g. Good Manufacturing Practice, Case Studies, Good Laboratory Practice, Good Documentation Case Studies Practice, and Good Clinical Practice) and IT at the same time. Case Studies Leveraging its expertise as an IT Consulting firm in digital transformation; Proud Innovations assists clients in optimizing their Case Studies operations and enhancing data integrity through innovative technologies such as Muttii Cyber Notary.

Key Challenges

  • Modernise the backup and recovery solutions in GxP compliant environments
  • Ensure digital transformation and authenticity
  • Reduce client burden when responding to 60+ annual audits

Key Requirements

  • Provide a backup and digital data integrity solution that is GxP compliant

Key Benefits

  • Migrate away from paper archives
  • Improve access and searchability of backups
  • Drastically reduce the time spent responding to audits

Case Studies: Insights

The Challenge and Opportunity Faced by Proud Innovations

A few years ago, Trommel started to notice that Pharma QA departments were finally starting to move GxP environments into the digital age. Traditional legacy environments had been historically “paper and pencil” operations when it came to files, let alone backups, and Those that were working with digital files used traditional backup approaches to CD/DVD and hard drives. GxP rules required paper storage to be housed for 20 years, and Case Studies led to significant warehousing costs and logistic challenges, not to mention limited access and file searchability.

It also left these original paper files vulnerable to any natural disaster. There was a significant opportunity to modernise these environments with digital data integrity solutions and leverage its expertise as an IT consulting firm in digital transformation. However, GxP is focused on compliance and auditing. Everything needs to be traceable. If there is a problem, it must be traced, its root cause was identified, and new procedures were created to solve the issue next time.

Proud Innovations’ clients can have upwards of 60 audits per year, and Case Studies, not surprisingly, data integrity is a key topic. Additionally, data tampering is a top concern for the QA departments of pharmaceutical firms that deal with tightly controlled clinical trial data. Scientists are under pressure to develop critical new drugs and patents.

Falsifying research outcomes, however, could lead to dangerous or ineffective drugs hitting the market and billions of dollars in lost revenue and potential lawsuits. Case Studies According to Smith, “Pharmaceutical companies have been struggling for years as to how to determine whether data has been improperly modified.” So, while a big market opportunity existed, any technical solution needed to squarely address the compliance, auditing, and data integrity and authenticity issues required by GxP environments. Enter
MUTTII Cyber Notary, digital notarization technology incorporated into MUTTII Cyber Backup.

 “Data authenticity is an issue that is incredibly important to GxP environments. Showing that we have a blockchain-based data authenticity solution is THE most important part of my sales pitch because the amount of time it reduces in responding to audits is just incredible.”

Liam Smith

President and Founder, Proud Innovations


MUTTII Cyber Backup

Muttii Cyber Notary is a new technology that allows file notarization, proving data authenticity via blockchain. Incorporated into MUTTII

Cyber Backup: The Cyber Notary creates a digital cryptographic hash, or “fingerprint”, that is unique for each file. This hash is an algorithm that produces the same output when given the same input file, enabling the verification of the file’s authenticity. This is because any change in the input file, however slight, results in a dramatically different fingerprint. Furthermore, the hash algorithm is designed to work only in one direction, so it is impossible to determine the original file inputs from the output alone, making the process tamper-proof.

MUTTII Cyber Notary then takes the hash and stores it in a public blockchain ledger. Then, it outputs a digital certificate, which enables independent validation of its authenticity and proof it existed at a specified date and time. Upon recovering a specific file from an archive, a new certificate can be created and then compared to its original certificate that was created when it was put into storage, thereby ensuring an identical bit-for-bit match. If the hashes don’t match, the document has been tampered with. Every record in the blockchain ledger is time-stamped, immutable, and independently verifiable

Cyber Notary Cloud

Partner with Muttii,A Global leader in Cyber Protection


MUTTII Cyber Notary addresses all of the data integrity, digital transformation and authenticity requirements presented by the European Commission in its governance of GxP environments.

This has enabled Proud Innovations to help QA departments within the pharmaceutical industry as they modernize their backup strategies to be GxP compliant. According to Trommel, “When our clients create new files, the policy we implement is to immediately back up and notarize the file so we know we have the original and can therefore determine if it was ever modified or tampered with.”

The benefits of MUTTII Cyber Notary to Proud Innovations are most evident in the company’s growth from being a “one-man shop”
found by Trommel to a staff of seven with continued growth on the horizon. Blockchain is an increasingly interesting technology for the pharmaceutical industry, which makes MUTTII Cyber Notary particularly attractive. The transformative impact of MUTTII Cyber Notary is evident in Proud Innovations’ exponential growth, underscoring its commitment to innovation and excellence as an IT consulting firm.

With dual headquarters in Switzerland and Singapore, MUTTII is a global organization that is trusted by 100% of Fortune 1000 companies. Learn more at

“Last year, the FDA was talking about blockchain as a standard by 2022. We are ahead of the curve. My customers and prospects don’t have to worry about potentially new compliance issues that will be coming over the next few years”

Liam Smith

President and Founder, Proud Innovations


Digital transformation needs a guiding strategy

Proud Innovations is a Dutch IT consulting firm with a unique niche. It consults with pharmaceutical companies about data integrity and assurance, ultimately advising on GxP compliance (e.g. Good Manufacturing Practice, Good Laboratory Practice, Good Documentation Practice, and Good Clinical Practice) and IT at the same time.

Proud Innovations consults primarily with Quality Assurance (QA) departments in multi-national pharmaceutical firms, helping these departments—which control GxP environments—ensure data assurance for everything coming out of their labs. The firm is three years old, has seven full-time staff, and is run by president and founder Steven Trommel.