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Muttii Cyber Cloud data centers

Mutii Cloud data centers

High data availability

Using data centres with redundant HVAC, network, and UPS systems to ensure maximum availability for your organization's mission-critical data. Muttii uses the Need plus Two (N+2) strategy in order to increase redundancy. The failure of a hardware-layer component will have no effect. Muttii’ critical infrastructure or Acronis customers. Muttii maintains customer data on its own software-defined storage system, Muttii Cyber Infrastructure, which includes Muttii CloudRAID technology.


Guarded physical locations

Data centres are physically guarded around the clock by security guards, tall fences, and video surveillance. Biometric and key card access are required for on-site admission. Strict access control protocols ensure that only authorised users can access the data centre.


Reliable facility management

With UPS and backup diesel engines, Muttii data centres can keep the power on even during unplanned power outages that last up to 48 hours. Acronis provides dependable infrastructure with HVAC, fire detection and suppression systems, alarms, and CCTV security cameras for monitoring. Our data centre network is global, so you can keep your data wherever you want. This ensures that you meet all of your regulatory and connectivity needs.


Location choice for your data

Because our data centre network is global, you can keep your data anywhere you want. This makes sure that you meet all of your regulatory and connectivity needs.

Muttii relies on secure and compliant data center providers

*Exact list of certifications and standards may vary for specific data center, please request additional information from your account manager.

Muttii Cloud Data Centers ‒ a Primer on Security, Privacy, and Compliance

Comply with HIPAA Using Muttii Solutions

Muttii Cyber Protect Cloud

An MSP-First, Cyber Protection Services Delivery Platform