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Stop data theft

The industry’s only unified platform for data protection and endpoint security.

A modern approach to effortlessly stop data theft

The industry’s only unified platform for data protection built on a unified agent and single console.

Protect data instantly

Deploy at scale, effortlessly

Achieve rapid, frictionless deployment at scale with our single, lightweight agent. Roll out to thousands of endpoints in hours.

Eliminate blind spots immediately

Get instant visibility into data flows, with near-zero configurations, to understand both the known and unknown egresses.

Accurately detect data egress

Easily define nuanced data classifications based on content patterns, web sources, and more to accurately detect data theft.

Become context-aware

Reliably detect and prevent the movement of sensitive data by combining both content and context across endpoints, identities, data, and egress channels.

Go beyond compliance

Stay compliant and ensure security control with minimal configuration to detect and prevent sensitive PCI, PHI, PII data leakage.

Precisely detect sensitive data

Stop data theft with ease

Enforce with confidence

Simulate “what-if” scenarios and confidently enforce ‘block’ rules to stop data theft without disrupting the end-user experience and productivity.

Stop GenAI data leaks

Prevent accidental and malicious data leakage through web-based GenAI tools in real-time.

Never lose sight of data

Uncover similar files on your endpoint and trace sensitive data back to its origin for policy enforcement, even if it’s been copied, zipped, or renamed.

Are you experiencing a breach of your cloud platform?

Muttii’s Services team will help your organisation quickly establish visibility of attacker activity, work with your team to contain the breach, and get you back to business faster.

Accreditations we are Proud of


Take the next step and start delivering proactive, continuous application performance now.