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IT Support Services

24X7 network monitoring, dedicated IT support services to make your IT investments last longer and reduce technology downtime or server outages

why muttii

What You Get With Our Healthcare IT Support Services

Local Engineers

The network in your clinic plays a similar role to the bones in your body. It helps support the different aspects of the environment and allows them to work together. By supporting the network, we ensure that you can always access your clinical application with ease, speed and efficiency.

Healthcare Expertise

One of the biggest frustrations we hear when speaking to potential new clients is the annoying issue of not being able to reach help when needed. If health professionals are not able to work due to IT downtime then this leads to loss of income, annoyed patients and delayed consultations. With Complete IT, we provide access to our Australian engineering desk with high level SLAs. This guarantees efficient and prompt support at all times.

Peace Of Mind

Now more than ever, health businesses rely on technology in order to operate and deliver efficient health services. When it comes to IT support and technology assistance, only fast and reliable options keep your systems secure, available and performing to their optimum level.

Strategic partners

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AWS Global Innovation Partner of the Year

Muttii’s data and application modernisation, analytics and AI solutions plus customer service transformation drive better patient outcomes, regulatory compliance and overall efficiency.

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Go gold to help customers manage their green

Muttii Consulting’s Gold Partner status with Microsoft includes deep healthcare industry expertise to deliver differentiated customer experiences across channels, products and services.

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Healthcare transformation to adapt to changing environments

Muttii Consulting and Salesforce enable high impact opportunities for fast optimization. Making crucial changes quickly improves patient and customer experience, optimizes staff time and supports decision making.

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What your ERP can do for a new healthcare model

Muttii Consulting has SAP experts to help ensure that you get the most from your SAP investments and that you are able to ensure compliance, manage financial performance and control costs.

Digital transformation

Network IT Support

The network in your clinic plays a similar role to the bones in your body. It helps support the different aspects of the environment and allows them to work together. By supporting the network, we ensure that you can always access your clinical application with ease, speed and efficiency.

Server & PC IT Support

Your server, computers, router, monitors and even your keyboard all play a very important part of your technology ecosystem and as such, they are also part of the Complete IT Support SLA. If there comes a time where the hardware fails, send it to us and we will have it repaired or replaced for you.

Backup, Security & Disaster Recovery

As part of the Complete IT Support solution, all of our clients enjoy a reliable technology platform as well as an implemented and documented backup and disaster recovery strategy. This means that we implement a platform to ensure that there will never be any data loss, disastrous outages or any other risks associated with the technology. We’ll implement it, support it and maintain it for you.

Clinical Software Updates

Whether it’s Medical Director, Bluechip, Best Practice, Medical Director or Genie, we can maintain it, update it and ensure that you and your doctors can access it without difficulty. Any software application that is on your network to fulfil a business task is required to fulfil a a business task is automatically supported and maintained. You never have to worry about what’s in or out of scope from now on.

Never Wait For Help Again

One of the biggest frustrations we hear when speaking to potential new clients is the annoying issue of not being able to reach help when needed. If health professionals are not able to work due to IT downtime then this leads to loss of income, annoyed patients and delayed consultations. With Complete IT, we provide access to our Australian engineering desk with high level SLAs. This guarantees efficient and prompt support at all times.

Industry Compliance

All solutions, services and processes that fall under Complete IT Support are in line with industry IT Accreditation requirements (such as the RACGP). Some examples include the need to have passwords on all computers, locked screen savers, onsite/offsite backup strategies and most importantly a document disaster recovery process plan as well as documented IT lifecycle pages.


End To End support

Risk Assessments

Conduct comprehensive evaluations of potential security vulnerabilities and threats specific to day surgeries.

Data Encryption

Implement robust encryption protocols for protecting sensitive patient data during storage and transmission.

Network Security

Deploy firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and secure Wi-Fi to safeguard the clinic’s network infrastructure.

Compliance Management

Assist with adhering to healthcare regulations like HIPAA, ensuring all practices meet mandatory cybersecurity standards.

Incident Response

Develop and maintain a detailed plan for responding to cyber incidents, including data breaches, to minimize impact and recovery time.

Endpoint Protection

Ensure all devices, including computers and medical equipment, have up-to-date antivirus and anti-malware software.

Accreditations we are Proud of


Take the next step and start delivering proactive, continuous application performance now.