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Identity Protection Services

Protect your workforce credentials to stop identity-based attacks from impacting your business.

Compromised credentials are a leading cause of cyber attacks

The sheer volume of security events, incidents and false positives means security teams are already over extended and wading through a sea of alerts, and unable to afford the time to review their security posture and implement positive changes.

Resource availability

Resource availability is often a challenge when trying to assess the current posture of SOC capabilities.

Unknown gaps

It can be difficult to realize the gaps that exist, when you become embedded in a daily routine of alert fatigue.

Latest trends

Keeping up with the latest trends, technologies, processes and intel becomes a luxury few can afford.

Identity Security Assessment

Gain comprehensive insight into your Active Directory domain configuration, account configuration, privilege delegation and potential attack paths.

Muttii Identity Protection

Stop breaches faster by protecting your workforce identities and enforcing multi-factor authentication (MFA) when suspicious user activity is detected.

Operational Support Services for Muttii Identity Protection

Gain comprehensive insight into your Active Directory domain configuration, account configuration, privilege delegation and potential attack paths.

Are you experiencing a breach of your cloud platform?

Muttii’s Services team will help your organisation quickly establish visibility of attacker activity, work with your team to contain the breach, and get you back to business faster.

Why choose Muttii Services?

Superior technology platform

Muttii Identity Threat Detection provides instant visibility into anomalous user activity and lateral movement by potential threat actors.

Deep threat intelligence

Muttii experts provide deep insight into the attack paths executed by threat actors using compromised credentials.

Identity security best practices

Muttii consultants provide actionable recommendations to implement best practices and controls that help you enhance the cybersecurity posture of your user identities.

Accreditations we are Proud of


Take the next step and start delivering proactive, continuous application performance now.