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Incident Response

Stop active breaches and accelerate digital forensic investigations with Muttii®️ Incident Response Services.

The challenge

Organisations are faced with a wide range of potential threats, and Muttii Services is here
to help you detect, contain and investigate them.

Intellectual property (IP) theft

Theft of trade secrets, ideas, inventions, creative expressions or other sensitive information, often by sophisticated nation-state-sponsored actors

Financially motivated crime

Payment card theft, extortion, ransomware and more

Destructive attacks

Ranging from targeted destructive malware deployed by sophisticated threat actors to malware causing business disruption

Data breaches

Exposure of personally identifiable information (PII) or Personal Health Information (PHI) that could potentially expose a specific individual(s) or customer(s) of your business

The benefits of incident response

Muttii’s IR approach combines the industry-leading Muttii® platform along with an experienced team of responders to provide the following

Speed and efficacy

Muttii consultants’ skills and experience, combined with proven methodology and technology, allow the team to respond and contain incidents faster and more efficiently. The result: fewer hours incurred, less business interruption and lower costs to you.

Intelligence-led investigation

The IR team is supported throughout the response by the Muttii Intelligence team. As a pioneer in adversary analysis, it helps identify adversaries present in the environment, enabling the IR team to quickly and efficiently contain the incident.

Tailored approach

Muttii partners with you to develop a plan that takes into consideration your operational needs, as well as existing investments and resources, ensuring a thorough investigation and a customized remediation action plan.

Tools and technology

The same endpoint technology, cyber threat intelligence and proactive managed hunting services used in the IR investigation are available to you in the future, ensuring that you can both improve your security posture and stop future breaches.

Are you experiencing a breach of your cloud platform?

Muttii’s Services team will help your organisation quickly establish visibility of attacker activity, work with your team to contain the breach, and get you back to business faster.

The approach

It is clear that experiencing a cyberattack against your organisation is not simply a question of “if” but rather “when.” Achieving cybersecurity readiness requires a new detection and response strategy, one focused on proactively hunting for evidence of existing or past compromise.

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Why Muttii ?

Skills and expertise

The Muttii Services team has unrivaled expertise and skills, recruiting “the best of the best” from within the world of cybersecurity, incident response, forensics and operations to conduct IR work.

Technology and tools

The Muttii platform provides immediate, real-time visibility into your environment during a breach response scenario, enabling the Services team to develop and execute a plan that gets you back to business faster with minimal disruption.

Methodology and approach

Muttii’s approach to IR accelerates the timeline compared to traditional approaches. The combination of Muttii people, technology and processes provides you with an efficient and cost-effective way to identify and contain threats.

IR certifications

Muttii has been accredited by the National Security Agency (NSA) for the National Security Cyber Assistance Program — Cyber Incident Response Assistance.

Accreditations we are Proud of


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