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ConnectSecure Security Assessment & Vulnerability Management (Formerly CyberCNS)

Cost and Price

Determined by Usage


Prices exclude tax (GST, VAT, etc)

Billing Model: Usage-based
Billing Unit: User
Trial: Yes
Partner Shell: No
Support: Vendor Supported
ConnectSecure Security Assessment & Vulnerability Management empowers Information Security professionals to help safeguard their business-critical data from vulnerabilities and exploits. MSPs and MSSPs rely on the ConnectSecure Vulnerability Manager to help their small and medium business clients stay compliant with regulations and compliance frameworks. The vulnerability scanning solution provides MSPs with compliance, deep asset discovery, risk assessment, and user router assessment. A risk management platform meets all requirements that are part of the IDENTIFY in the NIST cybersecurity framework. ConnectSecure Security & Vulnerability Manager helps MSPs stay compliant with user behavior tracking, computer analysis, Active Directory and passwords policies, and integration with Winlogbeat. Manage risk assessment with tools such as missing patches and upgrade report, application vulnerabilities, installed software report, non-approved software report, and per asset and company risk scores. Go beyond user behavior risk assessment with ConnectSecure user router assessment. Check end user routers for vulnerabilities to see if routers have easy to use passwords or are hackable. Score the various access points that users connect to from Windows and track if end users connected to VPN are doing so from a secure network. A deep asset discovery helps mitigate risks and shadow IT and includes Windows (WMI, SMB, WinRM), SNMP, UPNP, ZeroConf, and SSH. Billing Note: Monthly billing is based on the highest number of seats provisioned on the service during the month.


  • Vulnerability tracking across assets and groups
  • Risk assessment across an organization
  • Complete asset discovery
  • Track end user VPN connections
  • User behavior tracking


  • Mitigates risks and shadow IT
  • Lowers risk by security Active Directory
  • Checks if routers are hackable
  • Users and clients stay compliant