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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Member (Nonprofit Staff Pricing)

Cost and Price

Determined by Usage


Prices exclude tax (GST, VAT, etc)

Billing Model: Monthly, Annual
Billing Unit: User
Trial: No
Partner Shell: No
Support: ax8 Supported
The Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members (Nonprofit Staff Pricing) subscription is a named user subscription designed for users who are not tied to a particular function, but who require basic Dynamics 365 Business Central functionality. NOTE: Customers ordering products designated for nonprofit organizations through the CSP program must first establish a tenant with Microsoft. Nonprofit customers have not already done so are required to go through a quick registration process at Once they are approved, they will be assigned a nonprofit tenant and will be eligible to purchase nonprofit designated products. This license includes read access as well as some write access for select light tasks across Dynamics 365 Business Central functionality for a given tenant. The Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members SL grants a user full read access to Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials and Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium for a given tenant. In addition, the Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members SL includes some limited use write access to Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials and Premium. Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members also includes the “PowerApps for Dynamics 365 Applications” license. Users can use PowerApps to access Dynamics 365 Business Central within the bounds of their Team Members license. Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members requires that at least one other user be licensed with Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials or Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium. Important Change of Channel Information Partners who are moving customers and subscriptions from another distributor to Pax8 should review the Pax8 Change of Channel Guide for importing customers and subscriptions.


  • Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials full read access
  • PowerApps for Dynamics 365 Applications
  • Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium full read access


  • Automate workflows and processes
  • Accelerate sales process
  • Get holistic views of inventory
  • Streamline financial management
  • Optimize resource levels