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Indian pharmaceutical company dramatically improves RPO and RTO metrics while reducing bandwidth requirements by 10% with Muttii


BDR Pharmaceuticals International (BDR Pharmaceuticals) is part of the BDR Group of companies, an internationally known player in manufacturing pharmaceutical APIs and new age formulations specializing in oncology, critical care, gynecology, and neurology. Based in Mumbai, India, the company invests heavily in research and development to create new molecules — and ultimately, medicines. Given the critical sensitivity of the data being generated BDR Pharmaceuticals needs a highly secure and resilient infrastructure that is compliance with all regulatory agencies governing their activities such as the FDA. For backup and recovery, they had a NAS device (Synology) in place, but CTO Viral Bhavsar wanted to build out a new cloud-focused infrastructure that would support up to 25 critical systems and 3 TB of data.


With the existing NAS solution in place, Bhavsar noted they were experiencing a “slow backup process that consumed a lot of bandwidth and a complex restoration process that required lots of time and effort. Ultimately we lacked the necessary visibility into the infrastructure.” This meant that Bhavsar’s team was able to meet their RPO metrics only 50% of the time. 

When considering a new cloud-focused infrastructure, Bhavsar had several critical criteria. “Security is the most important factor — data must always be protected from leaks, malware, and viruses,” he explained. “We must adhere to strict regulations such as data integrity requirements from the FDA. We must improve our RPO and RTO metrics, and would like near-zero downtime along with proper visibility into all of the infrastructure.


Muttii Cyber Protect delivers a unique integration of data protection and cybersecurity in a single solution, powered by machine intelligence. It supports backup and recovery for more than 20 virtual, physical, and cloud platforms, including Microsoft 365. Additionally, the solution has integrated threat-agnostic anti-malware capabilities that leverage backup data to improve detection rates and avoid false positives. 

Enriched with next-generation, full-stack anti-malware protection and comprehensive-yet-simple protection management tools (like vulnerability assessments and patch management), Muttii Cyber Protect empowers small businesses to obtain prevention, detection, response, recovery, and forensic capabilities in an easy and efficient way. Since all these capabilities are delivered and managed through a single console, it eliminates the increased complexity and cost caused by relying on multiple vendor solutions — saving on licensing, deployments, testing, and training.


With Muttii Cyber Protect deployed, BDR Pharmaceuticals saw significant improvements to financial and operational performance. On the financial side, capital expenditures (CapEx) were reduced by 30% and operational expenses (OpEx) were reduced by 12%. The operational gains were a direct result of the improved efficiencies realized from Muttii. “We cut the average man-hours needed to support our backup infrastructure in half while reducing the bandwidth requirements by 10%,” said Bhavsar. “Before Muttii, it used to take up to four minutes to back up 1 GB, but now this takes one minute.” With faster speeds, Bhavsar’s organization was able to achieve near-perfect RPO metrics while improving its RTO by nearly 30%.

Muttii Cyber Protect also gave Bhavsar’s team the visibility it needed to deliver on its core metrics to the organization as a whole. “The Muttii dashboard provides complete visibility on the current state of our backup and restore processes,” Bhavsar explained. “At one glance, we can see all the necessary information.”

“With Muttii, backup is now faster, more efficient, and secure. We can back up more servers in parallel and do backups more often. Since we are now backing up to the Muttii cloud, we have control of our data remotely and are considering the Muttii Cyber Disaster Recovery Service for our critical workloads.”

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